Nature Photography, Bugs, Bees, Butterflies, Birds and More
A little after the last monsoon, I found out this place in our neighboring colony. A place which I could call wild amidst the city-jungle. I would not mention the name of the place just to ensure it stays as it is. With all that long grass, wild plants and large trees, this place has become a shelter for many bugs, birds and even snakes. I saw insects and bugs I had never seen before. Dragonflies or Damselflies as many call them were in abundance and that too of many kinds and colors. It was one amazing phase of photography for me. There was this wild bush where a chameleon resided. I could find it in the same area almost every day. There were many birds like Parakeets, Ashy Prinia, Purple Rumped Sunbirds, Plain Prinia, Scaly Breasted Munia and many more. In the same place there’s also a well where some kids would come and take a dip and make some dives. All in all I’d say that this is one place very close to my house which can provide me ample opportunities for nature photography.
During my second nature photography expedition to this place I saw this butterfly, “The Gray Pansy” that stood still and for so long that I had ample of time to capture multiple photos. As I mentioned in earlier, I’m totally in love this little paradise of a place for simply providing such a vibrant environment for nature photography. Among the birds there was a Long-tailed Shrike which too resides in the same area and was seen almost every time I have visited this place. I’d also never seen such tiny but stunning red bugs which I’ve found out to be Milkweed Bugs which I got to see here and not just one, there was a whole colony of them.
Between the tall grass, I could also see a Common Tailor-bird. This little bird saw me coming close but didn’t shy away. It posed and kept singing in its sweet voice. Most birds, would just fly away. The kind of small and large butterflies that I sighed here are amazing. Common Tiger Butterfly, Plain Tiger Butterfly, Blue Tiger Butterfly, Common Jezebel, Gray Pansy, Common Pierrot are some to name. Grass Hoppers between the tall grasses usually remained camouflaged but they’d jump when I moved closer  and only then I could spot them. They would look into the camera sometimes and just hideaway. Grass Hoppers are the most difficult to spot between the green grass due to their green color and grass-like shape. Its amazing how hight they can jump and how far. You’d believe only if you actually see it. The last outing to this city-jungle ensured I could  click some nice photos of Tiger Butterfly also. Again some unknown bugs and a bird called Scaly Breasted Munia. This bird, Scaly Breasted Munia, looks really exotic and I had never expected I would get to see these birds so closely. And of course, where there are bees and bugs, there has to be a colony of Green Bee Eaters. A tree full of Green Bee Eaters is what I spotted one day. However it was not possible to get too close to this tree as the grass around this area was too tall and I was told that many a times snakes have been spotted between the tall grass. I could verify that information as I spotted discarded snake-skin at the entrance. So sit back and enjoy these nature photos. If you like them, do share this nature photography post.