How I Became Aware of the Common Tailorbirds?
Since the time I started looking closely at the birds around our house, I noticed that a couple of Common Tailorbirds have been visiting our neighbor’s garden very frequently. Although I’m not sure why this beauty falls under the common bird’s category. As do the other birds, Tailorbirds too have a specific time for a visit in the morning and in the evening just before the sunset. These tiny birds, mainly feed on insects.
Tailorbird Details
Taiorbirds have bright green upper body and white underparts. I’ve noticed them easily sit on the thinnest of the branches very easily. Well, they can comfortably do that since they weigh approximately 8-10 grams.
Tailorbirds build their nests by sewing leaves together to form a deep cup-like shape with a very small opening. These tiny birds have a beautiful voice and they do make my morning beautiful by singing their amazing songs almost every day.
More Information about Tailorbirds can be read here. You can also get some bird photography tips here.
These photographs of the common Tailorbirds were shot using Canon Powershot SX50HS digital camera